What Is the Best Way to Take Oregano Oil

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Oregano oil, oregano essential oil, oil of oregano…

The spotlight often focuses on oregano essential oil as an excellent herbal remedy. And with autumn in the breeze, winter soon to follow, and many of our kids back to school, virus season is just around the corner.

However, many of us — armed with an arsenal of anti-viral herbs, essential oils, and immune boosters — are prepared to keep our families well. Prevention is the best route to wellness.

Care is advised with all herbs and natural remedies. However, oregano is one of the more potent.

Oregano — which literally means "joy of the mountain" — dates back to the Greek and Romans. It is anti-fungal, antibacterial, anti-parasitic, antiviral, and an antioxidant.

This article details how to choose and then use this product wisely.

What is the difference between oil of oregano and oregano essential oil?

Oil of oregano has already been diluted in a carrier oil. Oregano essential oil — or just simply oregano oil — can be diluted in a carrier oil or with water in a diffuser and then used for aromatherapy treatments.

It's difficult to determine the strength, quality, and ratio of oregano essential oil in much of the "oil of oregano" sold today. So I recommend buying high quality oregano essential oil and diluting it yourself. Or, use a product recommended by a trusted practitioner.

We recommend this oregano essential oil.


There are over 40 species of oregano, and only 2 effective for healing: Origanum vulgare or Thymus capitatus. Make sure your product is sourced from one of these 2 varieties!

Both flowers and leaves are distilled to create the oil.

We recommend this oregano essential oil.


2 main compounds within oregano determine its effectiveness.

Carvacrol is responsible for the oil's potency as an antibacterial agent.

Thymol is the anti-fungal component. This phytochemical even helps to boost the immune system while shielding the body and promoting healing.

Treatments and Uses

Oregano fights infections of fungi and yeasts (such as candida) — as well as colitis, cancer, inflammation, asthma and respiratory infections, and allergies. It also balances hormones. This can ease the process of menopause or help regulate menstrual periods.

Use it topically for toenail fungus or to remove warts and moles. A 1:1 ratio of oregano oil to carrier oil is recommended for these purposes, applied with a cotton swab.

Oregano oil is not ideal for open wounds.

However, it is excellent at fighting off the flu virus, colds, and even E. coli (from food poisoning). To reduce the duration of a cold, or prevent its onset when the first symptoms arise, use oregano essential oil in a steam tent. Inhaling the steam will kill the cold virus germs.

An outdoor diffuser with oregano essential oil inhibits pests. Combine it with a carrier oil to reduce itching from bug bites and rashes.

It helps to heal cold sores, canker sores, toothaches, and sore throats (diluted in water).

It can also be used to treat both giardia and MRSA.

For what is oregano oil NOT advisable?

Infants and young children shouldn't use oregano oil — and neither should pregnant or nursing mamas. Oregano oil can encourage blood circulation, which can increase the likelihood of menstruation or deteriorate the lining of the womb.

This increased risk of bleeding should also put others on the alert. Those about to have surgery should stop their dosage 2 weeks before the scheduled procedure, and those with bleeding disorders might be at increased risk.

It may also lower blood sugar levels and affect those with diabetes.

Oregano can cause allergic reactions in people who react to basil, mint, lavender and the other members of the Lamiaceae family.

Dosage and Duration

Up to 4 drops, 4 times daily, can be diluted in water and taken orally for no more than 10 days in a row. Why 10 days only? Overuse can kill beneficial gut bacteria or become toxic to the liver.

When using oregano essential oil topically, 1 part oregano oil to 3 parts carrier oil (such as olive, castor, or coconut) is advised.

We recommend this oregano essential oil.

Are there exceptions when one can take oregano oil for a longer duration?

In my opinion, yes, there can be exceptions.

According to personal experience, overuse of antibiotics as a child obliterated my gut flora. As a result, pathogens overran my body. Specifically one very hard-to-kill pathogen: Blastocystis hominis.

So, in cases such as this, maintaining one's current good gut flora is not an area for concern. Obliterating an invasive species, however, is. The use of oregano oil for up to 6 weeks may be recommended by a practitioner, in addition to lifelong use of probiotics.

Daily dosage under these circumstances is based on the potency of the pill, with 100 and 2000 milligrams being the range. Finding an excellent practitioner who can help select the right supplement is very helpful!

Methods and Administration

Although internal use is not recommended long-term, oregano oil may be incorporated in other ways. Diffuse it with an EO diffuser, or add it to mouthwash, or make your own lotion!

Oil of oregano's antimicrobial properties also make it a great household cleaner. Dr. Joseph Mercola gives this recipe for an all-purpose surface cleaner:

Combine 4 drops of oregano oil with 10 drops of lemon oil and a quarter-cup of white vinegar, and then add to a bucket of water. Use this mixture to wipe and clean surfaces.

Here are a few safe ways to take oregano oil orally:

Add one sip of water to your mouth and hold it in the back of your throat by tipping your head back. Open your mouth and squeeze 2 to 3 drops of the oil into the water. Swallow. Follow with a few gulps of fresh water.

Put the oil into a gelatin capsule just before consuming.

Mix 1 to 2 drops with a 1/4 teaspoon of carrier oil, such as olive or coconut. Put the mixture under your tongue and hold it there for a few minutes. Spit it out and rinse your mouth. Do this 4 or more times daily.

In all of these scenarios, avoid getting the pure oil directly on your lips or skin. It is spicy and creates a burning sensation.


  • Mercola
  • Alive
  • Global Healing Center
  • Web MD
  • Natural Health Advisory

Do you use oregano oil in your healthcare routine? What's your favorite use for this multi-purpose powerful herb?

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What Is the Best Way to Take Oregano Oil

Source: https://traditionalcookingschool.com/food-preparation/recipes/how-to-use-oregano-oil-safely/

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